Saturday, 23 November 2013

Group Discussion - a new version of Interview

Group discussion is nothing but a systematic way to express candidate’s view on a particular given topic in a group so that selectors can judge the best candidate among the group by giving equal opportunity. A group discussion is a platform where you may prove your talent, communication skill, self management, confidence and sequence in the presentation of ideas logically, listening ability, time management which are very essential in modern corporate world.

Do’s in group discussion

Be confident, keep a positive body language.
Be logical, apply rational attitude, make only accurate fact and precise statement and validate
your views with examples wherever possible.
 Be plain and sensible with your dress. Chose your attire, keeping the organization and institution in mind
Convey your thoughts in brief, to the point in simple language
Pay attention while others are speaking so that you make your points coherent.
Show your leadership skill.
Always maintain composure.
Re-enter the discussion if you have been anything to point out.
Decorum has to be clearly maintained.
You will attack points with argument calmly but firmly.
Be analytical and fact oriented.
Speak clearly, maintain correct pace, neither fast nor slow.
Clear opinion is to be expressed in normal tone in lucid language.

Don’ts in group discussion

Do not try to dominate anyone.
Do not interrupt in-between while speaking.
Don’t be aggressive.
Don’t use too many hand gestures.
Don’t repeat and use irrelevant materials.
Don’t suddenly jump to any conclusion.
Don’t make the mistake of looking at the selectors while you are speaking.
Do not speak just to increase your speaking time.
Don’t distract from the topic.
Do not bluff.
Do not laugh at the view point of co-partners

The following skills are mainly evaluated in a group discussion

Communication skills
Leadership ability
Ability to think and perform independently
How you steer the group in right direction?
How well do you put forward your logical views?
How do you behave and interact with your co-partners?
How powerful are your decision making and problem solving abilities?
How intently do you listen to others?
Do you have positive attitude?
Body language
Team work skills
Depth of knowledge
Time management
How much importance you give to the group objectives, views as well as your own?
Inner diversity and determination

Preparation for group discussion

It is better to prepare well in advance, in a systematic way for group discussion. You have to develop your subject knowledge, point to point base, on current affairs, socio-economic problems, general topics and structure arguments considering both sides of argument. You must have done your daily routine of reading newspapers, magazines. You must participate in a few mock group discussions so that you assess your areas of strength and identify your areas for improvement. Group discussion is a unique method where your inner being and surface reality is scanned and a correct professional meter is established.

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